Hawaii WhaleSong One, the album, is out now!

As we begin moving into lighter, brighter days, the whales are starting to arrive on Maui from their Summer feeding grounds in Alaska.  Also, after unforeseen Covid delays, I have just completed the Hawaii Whalesong One album!  The Dolphin David Jimenez designed Hawaii Whalesong T-shirts (which turned out beautifully) are available now as well in our store.

A large portion of the proceeds from the sale of the music and T-shirts will be donated to whale and ocean conservation organizations.  


I’m looking forward to the new whale season and listening to the latest version of their song. Follow me on my blog or on my Hawaii Whalesong Facebook page to hear the latest from our Hawaiian Humpback friends. 

I will be happy to be out in my kayak in the New Year, swimming in the Deep Blue, bathed in whale song vibration and sharing their newest songs with you all.  Stay tuned for Hawaii Whalesong Two, tribal dance beats with whale songs of the new year!

 Have a blessed holiday season.  Aloha Nui Loa,

 Raphiell Nolin

Maui, December 2020



Steve Soboslai